
American Dairy Association Mideast video

Utilizing Animation to Educate Ohioans About Dairy Products

The Project

Inspire worked with the American Dairy Association Mideast (ADA Mideast) to develop a 2.5-minute animation about how dairy is made and what makes it good for consumers. The goal for this animation was to reach Ohio elementary- to middle school-aged students and educate them about where their dairy foods come from and why they are good to eat, as well as designed for parents, specifically moms, to see and show their kids how dairy foods are produced.

Inspire worked with ADA Mideast to tell the dairy story through animated and illustrated motion graphics and to develop compelling, visually-appealing messages and then coordinated with a creative vendor to develop the animation.

The final piece leverages a recurring, catchy theme to communicate that “there’s a lot that you don’t know about dairy.” The message then prompts viewers to want to learn more about dairy. The animation includes information on dairy nutrition, how milk travels from dairy farms to fridge and what dairy farmers do to ensure excellent care for their cows. At the end, viewers are encouraged to visit ADA Mideast's website and social media platforms for more information.

The Results

  • Within two weeks of uploading the video, it had already received more than 500 views on ADA Mideast’s YouTube channel. The video also received hundreds of views through ADA Mideast’s website.
  • The animation also has been shared across ADA Mideast’s social media networks and has been viewed more than 60,000 times on Facebook and 32,000 times on Twitter.
  • The animated video will be shown at upcoming events and conferences, including the Ohio State Fair, which attracts more than 80,000 fairgoers each year.
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